Hans-Peter Mengele

Managing Director GLA European Leadership Center gGmbH, Chairman German Leadership Award e.V.

Education and professional career

  • Managing Director IHK Karlsruhe, IHK Education Center, IHK Technology Factory Start-up Center, Palais Biron Conference Center for Business Baden-Baden (1997 - 2017).
  • Head of Personal Office and International Department, State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart, under Minister President Dr. h.c. Lothar Späth (1982 - 1991).
  • Head of the European Policy Department at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Stuttgart and Brussels.
  • Vice President of the Regional Council in Tübingen.
  • Assessor and Legal Advisor, Stuttgart State Police Headquarters.
  • Studied law at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. First and second state law examinations with distinction.
  • Military service at the Liaison Command of the German Armed Forces to the VII Corps of the US Army in Kelly Barracks, Stuttgart.
  • Training as Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH) in Stuttgart.

Social commitment

  • Founder and Chairman of the "World Heritage Initiative" in the Lichtentaler Allee Circle of Friends for the successful inscription of Baden-Baden on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Great Spa Towns of Europe (2012 - 2024).
  • Südwestrundfunk SWR, Stuttgart, Mainz, Baden-Baden, Administrative Board, Broadcasting Council, Chairman of the Telemedia Committee (2004 - 2020).
    German-American Young Leaders Study Group of the Aspen Institute, Berlin (completed).
  • Trilateral Study Group on Regional Development for young executives from Baden-Württemberg, Maryland/USA and Kanagawa/Japan, founder and chairman (terminated).
  • Visit to the USA at the invitation of the United States Information Agency (completed).


  • Palais Biron, Baden-Baden
    A journey through two centuries, Ubstadt-Weiher 2009, ISBN: 978-3-89735-435-7

    The history of Palais Biron and at the same time a history of Europe's most famous spa and bathing town.

  • Wer zu Späth kommt...
    Baden-Württembergs außenpolitische Rolle in den Umbruch-Jahren, Tübingen 1995, ISBN-13: 978-38740720

    A standard work on the foreign policy of a federal state, exemplified by the fall of the "Iron Curtain" and the reunification of Germany.

  • Ausländerrecht: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN-13: 978-3170073128


  • Honorary professor at Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, Karlsruhe.

  • Honorary Citizen State of Maryland, USA.

  • Baden-Alsace Friendship Prize, Strasbourg.

  • Honorary Chairman College of the Ingenieur Alumni Verein Deutschland, Munich.

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