Award ceremony 2016


January 30, 2016, Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa in Baden-Baden

Prof. Hans-Peter Mengele
IHK Karlsruhe
Chairman of the German Leadership
Award e. V. and the Board of Trustees

Lars Wagner
MTU Aero Engines
Chairman of the jury

Peter Bauer
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
of OSRAM Licht AG,
Chairman of the Management Board of
Infineon Technologies AG (2010 - 2012),
Independent management consultant

Lars Wagner
Chairman of the jury

Peter Bauer

Peter Bauer in conversation with
Dr. Miriam Fritsche, BrainCode Marketing
and Hartmut Schittko, Intel Corporation
(Alumni of the Collège des Ingenieurs)


Club 21 at Kulturhaus LA8

Evelin König

Background to the award

The German Leadership Award was created on the initiative of the German alumni of the Collège des Ingénieurs (CDI) in 2013 and is being presented for the third time this year. The award recognizes managers, companies or institutions that introduce and implement leadership in their working environment in an innovative and successful way and that bring the topic to the public in a particularly value-adding way.

The award reflects the views of young, successful Generation Y managers (born after 1980) on leadership in German-speaking companies or institutions. Excellent young engineers, alumni of the renowned Collège des Ingenieurs, look for outstanding examples of exemplary corporate leadership and submit nominations based on their own experiences.

the 2016 award winner

Peter Bauer - Innovation as an entrepreneurial self-image

His attitude towards people, employees and colleagues has enabled him, especially in times of crisis, to make unpleasant but necessary decisions in the management team consensual through trust and the ability to deal with conflict and to successfully lead the subsequent change process with the employees.

Within two years, Mr. Bauer led the DAX-listed company Infineon Technologies AG out of turbulent waters as CEO. He has mastered extensive changes - from rapid growth and major restructuring to the insolvency of a majority shareholding and massive conflicts within the management team.

Peter Bauer - Vita

Peter Bauer was born in Munich in 1960. After studying electrical engineering at the Technical University of Munich (degree: Dipl.-Ing.), he joined Siemens AG as a development engineer in the semiconductor division. After holding various positions at Siemens AG, Bauer became President and CEO of Siemens Microelectronics Inc. in 1998.

Bauer was a member of the Management Board of Infineon Technologies AG from 1999 to 2008 and Chairman of the Management Board of Infineon Technologies AG from 2010 to 2012. To date, Bauer is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OSRAM Licht AG, a member of the Supervisory Board of Infineon Technologies AG and an independent corporate consultant.

Impressions of the GLA 2016

After the entertaining award ceremony, which was hosted by Evelin König (ARD), the guests from the worlds of business and politics were able to chat over drinks and a flying buffet in the foyer of the Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa. The award ceremony took place in Baden-Baden for the third year in a row.

© 2025 German Leadership Award